We all have that friend who means well but doesn’t always have the brightest plans. On the dramedy series “Younger,” that’s Lauren (played by Molly Bernard), the witty PR genius who never ceases to concoct a new plan to make her friends happy — even when her own life is falling apart. Before the show’s final season hits TV Land on July 7, take a look at Lauren’s most iconic friend moments, ranked from most destructive to genuinely heartfelt.

10. Spiking her friends’ drinks with MDMA, “Hot Mitzvah” (Season 1, episode 11)
Remember when Lauren spiked the group’s drinks with molly and Liza subsequently spilled her real age to Josh after pretending to be younger? While Lauren just wanted her friends to embrace her adult bat mitzvah, this move might have indirectly compromised Liza’s relationship.

9. Sleeping in an exclusive women’s club just to feel something, “A Novel Marriage” (Season 4, episode 10)
After being fired from her job and invited to the exclusive women’s club The Nest, Lauren soaks in the fantasy by sleeping standing up in the club’s closet to avoid her reality of living at home unemployed. Although this move takes aspirational to the next level, it was definitely the reality check she needed to get her life and career back on track.

8. Outing Josh as a baby daddy to his hookup, “The F Word” (Season 7, episode 6)
When Josh’s new hookup shows her disdain for children, Lauren drops hints about Josh’s status as a baby daddy. Not really sure what Lauren had to gain from this one — besides inserting her own moral compass into Josh’s relationship.

7. Using stickers to monitor her boyfriend Max, “In the Pink” (Season 4, episode 4)
After catching up with an old flame from summer camp, a medical intern who seems extremely normal (aka not Lauren’s type), she eventually grows bored of the relationship. Max then discovers a notebook where Lauren monitors how he makes her feel each day (they were mostly negative), and the pair break up. While this choice could seem self-destructive, it actually enables Lauren to explore her sexuality throughout Season 4 and the rest of the show.

6. Signing Kelsey up for a Manhattan real estate reality show, “The Baroness” (Season 7, episode 8)
Lauren intended for the reality show to boost Kelsey’s profile at the Empirical. But when the series portrays her as ogling the real estate agent, Kelsey decides it’s time to quit the show. Spoiler alert: she can’t — it turns out Lauren signed her up for a four-episode contract.

5. Helping Liza start her side hustle, “Broke and Panty-less”(Season 1, episode 7)
The trio had humble beginnings before they climbed their way up the ladder. When Liza is strapped for cash, PR maven Lauren shows her how to market her personal items on Craigslist.

4. Convincing Kelsey to channel her inner “shero,” “Holding Out for A SHero” (Season 6, episode 11)
OK, now we’re in “Lauren is an amazing friend” zone. When Kelsey is forced to step down as publisher after an indecent social media post, Lauren volunteers her to speak at an all-girls school about being a “shero.” While the experience was particularly mortifying for Kelsey, Lauren sweetly encourages her friend to embrace her inner girl boss, giving her the confidence she needs to face reality.

3. Pretending to date Maggie to save her from an awkward dinner party, “The F Word” (Season 7, episode 6)
After Maggie unknowingly sleeps with her boss’ wife, Lauren saves her from an awkward dinner by pretending to date her. Despite Lauren’s impeccable performance, the plan backfires when the boss’ wife AirDrops Maggie nude photos.

2. Hyping Diana up while wedding dress shopping, “It’s All About the Money, Honey” (Season 6, episode 10)
Lauren helps her favorite diva before her dream wedding and even steps into Diana’s shoes at work during the bride’s extended honeymoon.

1. Supporting her ex-boyfriend Max while also looking out for herself, “Older” (Season 7, episode 12)
This one is devoted to the diva herself and her own happy ending. When her ex-boyfriend Max comes out to Lauren and introduces her to his partner, Lauren is supportive (of course) but also proposes a way to look after herself — by inviting herself into their relationship.