There’s sightseeing, and then there’s skiing through trees. It’s wholly unnecessary, and totally extreme.

That’s what we call a brainer. Vin Diesel’s Xander Cage isn’t in the mood to take orders, so, like the extreme dude he is, he decks an officer who tells him to stand down and steals the guy’s gun.

Well, this is one way to steal a motorcycle. One of the film’s primary antagonists flips forward, directly at an oncoming motorcycle, and kicks the rider directly in the face before riding the bike away himself.

There are two fantastic things about Xander Cage’s short skateboard adventure in this trailer. The first is his trick off the side of a school bus, like the hero of a 1980s high school film.

The second — again, like that 1980s high school hero — is a moment where Xander Cage skates directly next to a car and snags a high-five from the driver. What about this situation is safe? Nothing. It’s extreme.

Ruby Rose gets ready for the head shot. If there’s one way to introduce a character, it’s having her drop in ready to take someone out as though it were her day job.

What kind of movie would this be without extreme car stunts? If there’s anything action flicks need these days, it’s more cars flipping over one another.

The mid-air flip is a classic, and shot over a stunned crowd, it instantly made the list for the most xXxtreme moments.

Nothing like the money shot. The great thing about this one is that Xander Cage’s mean mug isn’t the craziest thing you’ll see in this movie above a motorcycle. Which leads us to…

It seems like one of Xander Cage’s favorite things to do is mix sports and activities that don’t often go together. Here, he and Tony Jaa take off on motorcycles that turn into jet skis, allowing them to stylishly ride the waves. When did they have time to practice this?!

As cars topple over each other, they in turn spin directly over other humans, putting life into unique perspective for the heroes on the ground.

And of course, the big finish: Diesel barreling through the middle of a jet, and leaping out of it just in time to survive a massive explosion. The epitome of extreme has been reached, and everyone else can go home.