Fox’s coverage of the NFC Championship game last night has some “X-Files” fans crying conspiracy.
Fans looking forward to the return of the network’s popular sci-fi procedural after more than a decade were not too happy that the network’s coverage of the NFC Championship game cut into the premiere episode.
The game ended right around 10 p.m. ET, but with post-game coverage, “The X-Files” didn’t actually get started until almost half an hour later. For those with their DVRs set from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. ET or 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. PT, that means they missed about half the episode.
Read some of the reactions below.
I just got home and football ran over and I don’t have the full XFiles episode and where do I bring a torch to burn something to the ground?
— Felicia Day (@feliciaday) January 25, 2016
Me to the football game right now. #XFiles @theXFiles — GIPHY (@giphy) January 25, 2016
I’m so upset that football screwed up the recording of #XFiles. Great job @FOXTV on destroying the return of the 1st new XFILES in 25 yrs.
— Domenico Salvaggio (@DomSalvaggio) January 25, 2016
Ways to piss off a fandom, a tutorial by fox: 1. Wait 14 years for a revival. 2. Promote it for A YEAR 3. Preempt it for football #XFiles — ArtisinalPicklesAlex (@aspen_musing) January 25, 2016
Your new conspiracy theory: Aliens are using football to hide their true existence. #XFiles
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) January 25, 2016
Dear @FOXTV: and networks wonder why we love @netflix. Please turn the football voices off. #XFiles #XFilesRevival — Bill Mason (@billmason) January 25, 2016
I’ve waited 14 years for more #XFiles but that’s nothing compared to the time spent waiting for football to end tonight
— Rachel West (@rachel_is_here) January 25, 2016
People waiting for #XFiles to start, but seeing football instead. — Abi Jones (@jonesabi) January 25, 2016
Have never hated sports more than these last 5 minutes. Go away football, and give me the #XFiles #xfilesrevival.
— Gretchen Kalwinski (@Gretchel) January 25, 2016
Clearly the Smoking Man and his cronies were behind this conspiracy to force millions of people to watch football. #xfiles — Steve Kemple (@stevekemple) January 25, 2016
– Lauren Modery (@Hipstercrite) January 25, 2016
Who cares about interviewing football players its 11pm! Come in FOX! #XFiles #XFilesRevival – We Love Gillian (@WeLoveGillian) January 25, 2016
I want to believe that this football game will end. #XFiles
– DanielTheMagicDragon (@DrinkyMcGee) January 25, 2016