Woody Allen Is a Pimp – Literally – in ‘Fading Gigolo’ Trailer (Video)

John Turturro — who wrote and directed the film — entertains the johns on-screen with Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara

Woody Allen may seem like an unlikely pimp, but then again John Turturro doesn't seem like the kind of guy Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara would pay to have sex with.

That unlikely reality is how things shake out in the trailer for Turturro's upcoming movie, "Fading Gigolo."

See photos: 14 Actors Who Scored Oscar Nominations for Woody Allen Movies

"Everybody needs contact, they need love, they need affection," justifies Allen in the trailer.

The former comedian plays a bookseller who becomes a pimp after a chance encounter at his dermatologist's office. A little old to do the job hands-on himself, he employs his employee (Turturro) to be his male prostitute.

At first, Turturro is an apprehensive Don Juan — but when he starts to get the hang of it, the job becomes about more than just the money.

"Fading Gigolo," which comes out later this year, also stars Liev Schreiber

Watch the trailer:
