Review: Witless ‘What’s Your Number?’ A Waste of Anna Faris

Flat rom-com is just another chick flick with nothing but contempt for women

Anna Faris has been called this generation’s Lucille Ball: She’s pretty, smart, has impeccable timing and isn’t afraid to cast dignity aside in pursuit of a hardy laugh.

Her new film “What’s Your Number?” is a pet project she both stars in and produced. It’s a chance to show just how audacious she can be, a chance to step up, a chance to shine. And it stinks on ice.

Faris plays Ally, an average 20-something living on her own in Boston. Riding home on the subway after losing her job, she reads in a magazine that the average woman has had ten lovers in her lifetime, and if you reach 20, you will probably never find true love.
