Willie Earl Jr., known widely for starring in Wendy’s commercials, reflected on the lowest and highest moments of the Hollywood strikes, saying it’s disappointing to see the AMPTP allow the strike to go on.
Wednesday was Day 100 of the writers’ strike and Day 27 of the actors’ strike. Both unions, along with many others, hit the picket lines again in protest of better pay and protections against artificial intelligence, among other sticking points. Among the dozens of strikers was Earl, who said he plans t0 continue hitting the picket lines at least twice a week.
“We’re going to get out here every day, and support each other and hopefully we get this wrapped up sooner than later,” said Earl, who was picketing for the first time after taking a summer vacation. “It’s crazy that we’re still in it.”
He reflected on the highs and lows of actors’ and writers’ realities amid the ongoing strikes.
“The highest is just being able to come out here and support everybody, all the unions,” Earl said. “The lowest is just the guys that are upstairs not caring about us — any of us. That’s the lowest part, and allowing this to go on and people to lose money and lose their livelihood. That’s definitely the lowest part.”
He also added his own message to the AMPTP.
“Understand we’re out here for a reason,” Earl said. “A lot of stuff has changed over the last 20 to 25 years, and there hasn’t been changes in the contracts, and that’s what we’re doing.”
He continued, saying that what he’s most nervous about is the impact of artificial intelligence.
“I’m afraid of… A.I., that’s big,” Earl said. “The chat box and all that good stuff — some scary things when you can actually create work without being a creative. That’s some wild stuff… technology, it’s just moving so quickly. It’s just time for us to represent ourselves, as well as protect ourselves for the future.”
For all of TheWrap’s WGA strike coverage, click here.