The Jewish Journal, a Los Angeles based publication, is printing a full page ad that represents “a coalition of 98 prominent members of Los Angeles” Jewish Community that have come out in support of President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.
These “prominent” members of the community of which some are in the entertainment industry (I put that word in quotes because their prominence is at best questionable) are praising the “deal” (I put that word also in quotes because the deal is also at best questionable) as being “in the best interests of the United States and Israel.”
The Iran Deal is nothing but a conciliatory gesture among Western nations to the largest supporter of international terrorism, and that it serves only their specific monetary interests. To think that this is about denying Iran the keys to the reactor is ludicrous. If you don’t think Iran already has the bomb, or access to nuclear weapons, then you are not aware of the global availability of weapons of mass destruction. You can almost buy them on eBay.
In 2006, the Council on Foreign Relations published an article called “Loose Nukes.” In that article, it was pointed out that before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, “more than 27,000 nuclear weapons and enough weapons-grade plutonium and uranium to triple that number” was catalogued and stored. What followed the Russian political transition is cause for great concern: “Severe economic distress, rampant crime and widespread corruption in Russia and other former Soviet countries have fed concerns in the West about loose nukes, underpaid nuclear scientists and the smuggling of nuclear materials.”
The article goes on to state that “there is ample evidence of a significant black market in nuclear materials. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported more than a hundred nuclear smuggling incidents since 1993, eighteen of which involved highly enriched uranium.”
So, let’s dispense with the Obama administration’s lie of “anytime anywhere inspections” and the ruse of the “snap back of sanctions.” The fantasy that we are the overseers of Iran’s nuclear expansion and will be monitoring their development to ensure that they will not use that technology against its enemies — which are us (the Great Satan), Israel, Saudi Arabia, almost all westernized states — is just that: a fantasy.
Who are not Iran’s enemies? How about Russia and China, who have the most to gain by selling Iran military hardware once the sanctions are lifted and the money starts to flow. Follow the money. We are subsidizing our own destruction.
The Iranian deal is ludicrous, and what is incredibly sad is how we are turning our heads away from the very fact that the outcome of this agreement will be war. The Obama administration has perpetuated the mantra that “if you vote against the Iranian deal, you are voting for war.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
If you vote against the Iranian Deal, dear Congressmen — you are voting to uphold the tenets that are intrinsic to the foundations of every Western Democracy. We do not enable terrorism — either financially, strategically, or by assent of any kind — until now.
We have become a terrorist nation by proxy.
Those Hollywood signatories’ wet dream may include visions of a Tehran Disneyland or a network of IMAX theatres, while Iranian money starts coming in to fund blockbuster movies about Islamic super heroes.
That’s not going to happen. How do we negotiate a film distribution contract with up fronts and percentages of the gross, when we couldn’t even bargain for the release of four Americans being held hostage by the Iranian legal system? Obama’s feigned indignity when that question was lobbed to him by someone who I consider to be a superlative journalist, Major Garrett (pictured above right), the chief White House correspondent for CBS News, spoke volumes. Obama’s stern reproach was straight from Shakespeare: “thou doth protest too much.”
Those four Americans were “hung out to dry,” as Garrett said. We’ve also been hung out to dry. Israel has been hung out to dry.
Senator Chuck Schumer, the most influential Jewish voice in Congress, will oppose the Iranian deal. For that vote of conscience, he’s being also “hung out to dry” by the Obama administration.
That should tell you something. The hate-mongering that is now the voice of an administration that I once admired very much, feels foreign and divisive. Much like the mullahs of Iran who refuse to grant basic human rights to women, our country is now turning to enable and support a heinous regime.
And Hollywood supports that? The signatories of the Jewish Journal article have the right to their opinion, as I have a right to my opinion. I wonder how many of them have had an ice cream on Ben Gurion Blvd. in Bat Yam, or sipped tea and ate hummus at a sidewalk café in Tel Aviv. The first blast will eliminate that dream. The second will certainly find its way to our shores. And we can take credit for financing the armaments that are shipped from Russia and China.
If those signatories think that this deal is about curtailing Iran’s access and development of nuclear weapons, then they are in the perfect trade — making movies.