How ‘Gabby’s Dollhouse’ Creators Make Preschool Shows Watchable for Adults

And why CatRat is “the heart of the show” despite being such a jerk sometimes

Gabby's Dollhouse

“Gabby’s Dollhouse” is among just a handful of shows for preschoolers to land on Netflix’s publicly shared Top 10 Most Popular TV list. That means not only are parents choosing it for their children under 5, they’re letting it play (and play, and play).

This writer, a parent who has sat through hundreds of hours of preschool TV, can say with confidence that “Gabby’s” could not make the most-streamed-hours list if the older kids and adults in the house didn’t enjoy it a bit as well — so we asked creators Traci Paige Johnson and Jennifer Twomey for the secret to making preschool shows that can entertain grown-ups too.
