‘The View’: Whoopi Seethes and Warns Viewers That Her Likeness Has Been Stolen by AI to Sell ‘Bad Weight Loss Drugs’

“Do not look at this, just get rid of it,” the ABC moderator says

Whoopi Goldberg on "The View" (Credit: ABC)
Whoopi Goldberg on "The View" (Credit: ABC)

If you’ve seen an ad in your Instagram feed featuring Whoopi Goldberg promoting weight loss drugs, you probably should not buy it. According to the moderator of “The View,” she had no part in it — and she’s pretty mad that AI even made it possible.

During Wednesday’s episode of the ABC talk show, Whoopi delayed going to a commercial break after the third segment so she could set the record straight and give viewers a “heads up.”

“There’s a phony weight loss ad floating around online, on Instagram, that has me — uh huh,” she said as the audience audibly disapproved. “AI-mouthed, saying all kinds of stuff about — you know, I don’t sell anything. Unless I say ‘Hey, it’s me, Whoopi,’ that’s how you know it’s me.”

According to the host, the creators of the ad took footage of her from an appearance on “CBS Sunday Morning” to get her likeness, and then “melded it” with AI tech.

“And they have me selling bad weight loss drugs. Do not, do not indulge in this,” she said angrily. “Do not look at this, just get rid of it. Because I don’t know what it is, I had nothing to do with it and I don’t want y’all thinking that this is coming from me.”

Whoopi has long been open about the fact that she used Mounjaro to achieve her massive weight loss over the last year or two, and owned up to it once more on Wednesday, telling the audience point blank that that’s what she used.

“I don’t know who these people are, that’s the problem with AI,” she continued. “You don’t know who made it, but I’m telling you, it’s a lot of B.S., do not fall for it.”

“The View” airs weekdays at 11 a.m. ET on ABC.
