‘The Wheel of Time’ Season 2 Recap: What to Remember for Season 3

“Dovie’andi se tovya sagain”

Josha Stradowski in "The Wheel of Time" Season 2 (Credit: Prime Video)
Josha Stradowski in "The Wheel of Time" Season 2 (Credit: Prime Video)

“The Wheel of Time” Season 3 is finally here and the Pattern continues to be woven toward The Last Battle.

The Prime Video series is about as dense as expected for a 14-book adaptation and there was a lot of story crammed into Season 2. The Emond’s Field 5 were spread to all corners of the world dealing with their own issues but all managed to reconvene in the Season 2 finale for a battle in Falme against Ishamael and his Seanchan allies.

Dive into our “Wheel of Time” Season 2 finale recap to get caught up before returning to the world and follow The Dragon Reborn’s journey to make or break the world.

Rand is Proclaimed The Dragon Reborn

Rand (Josha Stradowski) ends the season facing off against Ishamael (Fares Fares) atop a tower with the aid of the rest of the Emond’s Field 5. During the battle Moraine conjures a dragon of flames that wraps around the tower as Ishamael is disintigrated by Rand’s magic.

The flaming dragon and Rand’s defeat of one of the Forsaken herald him in as The Dragon Reborn and now it’s known to the public. His palms are also scarred by the heron marked blade which is another part of the prophecy fulfilled.

While there have been many False Dragons in the past, Rand being proclaimed the true Dragon Reborn means he must begin mustering his strength from across the many countries as he prepares to face The Dark One in The Last Battle – Tarmon Gai’don.

Mat Blows the Horn of Valere

Mat (Dónal Finn) spent the first half of Season 2 getting over an affliction brought on by the cursed dagger he stole from Shadar Logoth only to find himself with a new predicament. During the fighting in the Season 2 finale, Mat finds himself cornered while trying to deliver the Horn of Valere – a magical item that when blown summons an army of dead heroes from the Age of Legend to fight at the command of the blower – to Rand so he can use it against Ishamael. Without anywhere to go, Mat blows the horn himself hoping to get some aid.

The Heroes of the Horn appear behind Mat and wade into the battle with the Emond’s Field gambler. Blowing the horn also seems to have helped a bit with Mat’s own combat ability and he’s now occasionally dropping comments in the Old Tongue – a language that has not been spoken since the Age of Legends.

Perrin Kills Geofram Bornhald and is Hunted by White Cloaks

The battle in Falme wasn’t an outright victory for the heroes. During the chaos in the streets, Perrin (Marcus Rutherford) and his wolf companion Hopper cross paths once again with the White Cloaks. The group have been loosely on Perrin’s trail since Season 1 and when their swords cross Hopper ends up dead. In his rage, Perrin kills Geofram Bornhald – the Lord Captain of the White Cloaks – in front of Bornhald’s son Dain.

Perrin manages to escape and reunite with his friends but it’s clear that Dain wants to hunt down the man who killed his father and his shouts of “Two Rivers!” as Perrin flees means he may take the White Cloaks back to Perrin, Rand and Mat’s hometown looking for them.

Egwene Escapes the Seanchan

Egwene (Madelaine Madden) spent the back half of Season 2 enslaved by the invading Seanchan army and being forced to use her Aes Sedai magic against her will. The magical enslaved are called damane and they’re forced to wield their powers due to a collar called an A’dam that creates a link between the magic user and an owner.

During the Battle of Falme, Egwene was forced to fend off her friends with magic initially before finally managing to fight back against her owner by removing her collar and putting it around the Seanchan foe. Her enslavement with the army left her with more than a few mental scars still to deal with though.

More Forsaken Are Released

Throughout Season 1 and 2, the only members of the Forsaken – The Dark One’s strongest and closest allies – that had been released from their ages-long prison were Ishamael and Lanfear (Natasha O’Keeffe). The Season 2 finale changed that as one of Ishamael’s final acts was to release more of the Forsaken into the world.

The final scene of Season 2 showed Lanfear returning to Ishamael’s room to find Moghedian (Laia Costa) sitting in the center of the room muttering to herself. Earlier in the finale, Lanfear seemed worried about Ishamael’s plan to release more Forsaken, and especially Moghedian because she was “insane.” These final moments of the season don’t do anything to dissuade viewers from thinking the same but based on how quickly Lanfear is contained by Moghedian’s magic it’s clear there is already a new threat to The Dragon Reborn.

“The Wheel of Time” releases new episodes Thursdays on Prime Video.
