‘Wheel of Fortune’ Contestant Probably Should Have Read the Rules More Clearly (Video)

And no, the answer is not “The Pointed Desert” — so stop guessing that

Wheel of Fortune

The most important thing for readers to understand before watching this “Wheel of Fortune” blooper snippet is that at a certain point in a slow-moving round, contestants get to try to solve the puzzle until their time rounds out. The second-most important thing to note is that the answer in this case is definitely not “The Pointed Desert.”

After middle contestant Lindsey scores a “P,” revealing the “Landmark” category puzzle to be “THE  P _ _  NTED  DESERT,” she incorrectly guesses “The Pointed Desert.” Following that, participant James guesses, yep, the exact same phrase: “The Pointed Desert.”

Host Pat Sajak then explained that James still had more time to guess again, to which the confused contestant nervously muttered, “Oh I still have time?”

After saying nothing else — after again being prompted by Sajak — James uses that allocated clock to unconfidently specify that he’d like to solve the puzzle. He then guesses — yes, again — “The Pointed Desert,” bringing the number of attempts to solve the puzzle with that non-landmark to three.

“It’s not ‘The Pointed Desert,’ no matter how many times you say it,” Sajak shot back, to the noticeable delight of letter-turner Vanna White.

For the record: The correct answer was “The Painted Desert,” which the contestant in the first slot, Kelly, instantly got when it came around to her — probably because it was so simple now that she pointedly knew what it was not.

“I was just going to give him ‘Pointed Desert,’ he was so insistent,” Sajak quipped.

Watch the video:
