What’s New on DVD/Blu-ray in March: ‘West Side Story,’ ‘The Godfather Trilogy,’ Ukraine Teens, and More

Alonso Duralde spotlights the month’s best new physical-media releases — because streaming only covers so much

20th Century Studios

New Release Wall

One of the best films of 2021, the Oscar-nominated “West Side Story” (20th Century) arrives on 4K, Blu-ray, and DVD and earns an immediate place in your library. This first release is a little lean on extras, but it does include a new documentary from Laurent Bouzereau, the king of “making-of,” offering a look at Steven Spielberg’s process in crafting this electrifying musical.

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“The 355” (Universal Home Entertainment) An impressive line-up of stars (including Jessica Chastain, Lupita Nyong’o, Diane Kruger, Penélope Cruz, and Fan Bingbing) can’t save this spy thriller from being more by-the-numbers than a Sudoku.
