"West of Memphis," Amy Berg's documentary about the West Memphis Three, has been acquired by Sony Pictures Classics, the company said Wednesday.
Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson, Damien Echols and Lorri Davis produced.
Echols is one of the West Memphis Three — young men who were convicted of murdering three 8-year-old boys in Arkansas. The three were released from prison in 2011 after a private detective working on behalf of them found evidence linking another person to the crime.
Also read: 'West of Memphis' Filmmakers Accuse Stepfather of Murder — Would Welcome a Lawsuit (Updated)
The documetary, which debuted at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, chronicles the new investigation surrounding Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr.
The plight of the West Memphis Three beame a cause celebre among many Hollywood stars.
Also read: Out of Prison, West Memphis 3 Ex-Con Seeks Justice
"In 2009 Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Lorri Davis approached me to make a film which documented the defense's battle to overturn the guilty verdicts in the case of the West Memphis Three," Berg said in a statement. "After speding more than two years on the ground filming in Arkansas, the blatant injustice of the case was very apparent."
In addition to the "West of Memphis" documentary, Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky filmed three "Paradise Lost" documentaries about the case.
Colin Firth and Reese Witherspoon are starring in "Devil's Knot," a feature film based on a book about the case.
Mara Leveritt wrote the book "Devil's Knot." Atom Egoyan is directing the film, which begins shooting this summer.