Watch Wall Street Pariah Martin Shkreli Laugh at Lawmakers During Congressional Hearing (Video)

Shkreli later tweeted that members of Congress were “imbeciles”

Martin Shkreli apparently didn’t think much of the lawmakers who tried to question him Thursday about hiking the price of a life-saving drug by 5,000 percent.

The much-despised former drug CEO smirked and laughed at members of Congress, and later called them “imbeciles” on Twitter.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen the committee treated with such contempt,” Representative John Mica, a Florida Republican, said after Shkreli left the room, according to The New York Times.

You be the judge: Watch the video of Shkreli smirking above.

As CEO of Turing, the 32-year-old drew international outrage by raising the price of Daraprim, which helps treat malaria and HIV, from $13.50 to $750 per pill.

Separately, Shkreli was arrested on fraud charges related to his time as a hedge fund manager and as head of his former company, Retrophin.
