Watch Steve Bannon’s Head-Scratching Response to Native Americans Being First Americans (Video)

“That’s beneath you,” former White House chief strategist tells Charlie Rose

Steve Bannon had an interesting response to being reminded by Charlie Rose that all Americans, except Native Americans, are immigrants.

In his “60 Minutes” interview Sunday, the former White House strategist objected to Rose saying that “people have been able to come here, find a place, contribute to the economy. That’s what immigration has been in America.”

Bannon said he was “dead wrong,” insisting that “America was built on her citizens.”

“We’re all immigrants,” Rose replied, quickly adding: “Except the Native Americans.”

Bannon’s response? “Don’t, don’t, g– don’t– don’t.”

“Who were here?” Rose interjected.

“Don’t– don’t give me– this is the thing of the leftists,” Bannon responded. “Charlie, that’s beneath you. America’s built on our sys– on our citizens.”

“Look at the 19th century,” Bannon went on to say. “What built America’s called the American system, from Hamilton to Polk to Henry Clay to Lincoln to the Roosevelts. A system of protection of our manufacturing, financial system that lends to manufacturers, OK, and the control of our borders. Economic nationalism is what this country was built on. The American system. Right? We go back to that. We look after our own. We look after our citizen, we look after our manufacturing base, and guess what? This country’s gonna be greater, more united, more powerful than it’s ever been. And it’s not– this is not astrophysics. OK? And by the way, that’s every nationality, every race, every religion, every sexual preference. As long as you’re a citizen of our country. As long as you’re an American citizen, you’re part of this populist, economic nationalist movement.”

Bannon’s head-scratching answer inspired some angry comments on President Trump’s favorite social media network Monday.

“You just might be a white supremacist if you LOSE YOUR S— when the interviewer reminds you that indigenous people WERE HERE FIRST,” tweeted New York Daily News writer Shaun King.

Progressive media watchdog Media Matters proclaimed: “Steve Bannon denies immigrants’ role in building America and says they should ‘self-deport.’”

Watch the full exchange in the video above starting at 6:59.
