Watch Diane Warren and Marisa Corvo Perform ‘I’ll Fight’ From ‘RBG’ (Video)

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Power Women Summit 2018: The two performers took the stage to close out TheWrap’s event

Grammy winner and multiple Oscar nominee Diane Warren took the stage to close out TheWrap’s Power Women Summit, performing with Marisa Corvo the song “I’ll Fight.” TheWrap founder Sharon Waxman introduced the song, which appears in the documentary “RBG,” about the life and career of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. The summit, which aimed to raise awareness and have frank conversations about gender equity in entertainment and media, took place on November 1 and 2 in Los Angeles.

Highlights included discussions on “Activism and Empowering the Next Generation” with Dolores Huerta, Katie Hill, and Zoe Saldana; “On the Basis of Sex,” with Felicity Jones; and “Leading by Example: A Conversation,” with Jill Soloway and Rebecca Sugar.
