Walmart Apologizes for ‘Mistakenly Posted’ Tweet Calling Sen Josh Hawley ‘Sore Loser’

In a now-deleted tweet, Walmart sassed the senator for planning to challenge Biden’s election win

Josh Hawley
Getty Images

Walmart has apologized for a tweet from its account calling GOP Sen. Josh Hawley a “sore loser.” It was “mistakenly posted,” a spokesperson told TheWrap Wednesday.

After Hawley tweeted that he plans to object the Senate certification of the Electoral College vote for President-elect Joe Biden next week, the verified Twitter account — which boasts over 1 million followers — replied, “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.”

The tweet was deleted just minutes later, and Walmart’s account was back to replying to everyday users musing about their upcoming trips to the superstore.

But the internet never forgets, and screenshots abounded Wednesday as users joked about Walmart’s late entry into “the resistance.”

Dear @Walmart, please don’t fire the person who made this mistake. Just take a deep breath and review your account access policies,” suggested social media speaker and consultant Jason Keath. 

“The tweet was mistakenly posted by a member of our social media team who intended to publish this comment to their personal account,” a Walmart spokesperson told TheWrap. “We have removed the post and have no intention of commenting on the subject of certifying the electoral college. We apologize to Senator Hawley for this error and any confusion about our position.”

The Missouri senator tweeted earlier on Wednesday, “Millions of voters concerned about election integrity deserve to be heard. I will object on January 6 on their behalf.” President Donald Trump and his allies have been baselessly insisting since November that Biden’s win was the result of election fraud, despite having no evidence. Hawley’s plan to object the Senate certification is the latest Republican attempt to overturn the election.
