(Spoiler Alert: Do not keep reading if you have not seen the midseason finale of “The Walking Dead”)
In the midseason finale of “The Walking Dead,” Rick and Aaron risk their lives to grab a cache of supplies stored on a houseboat, all while a mystery figure in boots watches from the opposite shore.
The same figure pops up again at the end of the episode in a post-credits scene, spying on Alexandria through high-powered binoculars. So who is it? Looks like we won’t find out until the midseason premiere, but there are definitely some theories floating around already.
Heath has not been seen since he and Tara got separated on the bridge in the episode “Swear.” We know he survived that encounter with walkers and made it back to the RV, but where he went after that is anyone’s guess. Could he have run into another group on the road, who convinced him to spy on his former compatriots?
Dwight may be one of Negan’s top men, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy. Dwight has repeatedly shown signs of wanting to break free from Negan’s tyrannical rule, and teaming up with the residents of Alexandria would go a long way in achieving that goal.
Someone from Oceanside
Back in “Swear,” Tara runs across a community near the ocean populated almost entirely with women. While most of the community wants no contact with the outside world due to past run ins with the Saviors, one woman recognized the opportunity that working with Tara and Alexandria presented. She could have tracked Tara back to Alexandria and is checking on whether it is safe or not.
Carol left Alexandria after struggling with the all the lives she has taken since the zombie outbreak started. In the midseason finale, she reaffirmed her desire to be left alone in the new home she has established for herself. But it is hard to imagine that a mother and skilled warrior like herself could stay away from her surrogate family for too long.
Fans of the comics have been waiting for this group to enter the series for a while now. Without giving too much away, the Whisperers walk around covered in walker skin to disguise themselves and will hopefully become a major force in the show in future episodes.