Wake Up! Fallon Wins With ‘California Dreams’ Reunion (video)

Sorry, “Saved by the Bell”: This was the best tween show of the 90s. Hands down

Jimmy Fallon reunited the cast of "California Dreams" last night, in the process officially putting MoJoe on the Fallon bandwagon.

OK, so we’re not sure if there’s a Fallon bandwagon. But when we were tipped to this fact by Twitter’s @denisemartin, we got quite giddy. Because, while Fallon has been trying all year to organize a "Saved by the Bell " reunion (yawn), true TNBC fans know that "Dreams" was a far superior, much underrated show. (Though, truth be told, we’re actually all about the "Hang Time" here are MoJoe.)

Feel free to think we’re mocking these fine examples of Saturday monrning tween entertainment. But we’re not. These shows were mindless entertainment at their best, and we feel sorry for today’s kids, who’re stuck with inferior product via Disney and Nick. 

Here’s the (older) Dreams performing what Fallon rightfully identified as one of the best theme songs ever:
