In a new segment of Jimmy Kimmel’s “Mean Tweets,” Viola Davis, Sarah Paulson, Elizabeth Banks and Kurt Russell are among the latest batch of Hollywood stars reading horrible Twitter insults directed at them.
“F-cking Julia Louis Dreyfus 50-year-old ass still on TV winning awards and shit,” Dreyfus, who was another guest on the segment, read. “Bitch, you NEED to retire!”
According to the tweets, Liv Tyler‘s father looks like a giant ballsack, Kirsten Dunst‘s teeth look like “tic tac’s throwing up peace signs,” and Colin Farrell looks like he “smells like depressed couch farts.”
Everyone takes the mean statements lightly, except Sarah Paulson, who at the end of the clip responds with, “Bite me,” and starts cursing.
“Mean Tweets” has become so popular, that even President Obama was willing to participate. With over 31 million views, the presidential edition remains the most popular to date and broke the record within 24 hours of airing.