New VideoAmp CMO Jenny Wall Talks Disrupting Audience Measurement: ‘The Markets Want Choice’

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Former Nickelodeon marketing chief says she can empathize with execs frustrated with the insight they get on their ad spending

Jenny Wall, VideoAmp
Jenny Wall, VideoAmp

After leading marketing teams at Netflix, Hulu and Nickelodeon, Jenny Wall feels a personal connection to executives who struggle to get insight on how the ad dollars they spend perform. Now, in a new role as chief marketing officer for advertising measurement tech firm VideoAmp, she thinks she’ll be able to help.

“As a CMO and head of marketing for many, many years, the biggest frustration that I had and the biggest pain point that I had was how to effectively and efficiently spend my media dollars to get results,” she told TheWrap. “I know what it feels like to be a CMO and be in that position, and I want the world to know there is a solution.
