Victoria Jackson has finally found a way to get the mainstream media to address her theory that Islam is the enemy of the United States and that Muslims have entered every part of our government.
On her "PolitiChicks" online show, the fomer "Saturday Night Live" actress contended that President Obama is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Her source? "This guy John and Steve and their team B, too, ex-FBI." (Or maybe she was saying "team be, too," if that makes more sense to you.)
Also read: Victoria Jackson Says She's Not a Homophobe for Hating 'Glee'
"Muslim Brotherhood is controlling all of the Middle East except Israel and they are now in all of our highest positions, inclding the president," Jackson said. "I said to this guy, the FBI guy, do you think Obama's a Muslim? And he said, well, the facts are that all of his policies side with the Muslims and are against Israel. That's just a fact."
She explained how she gathered this information from John and Steve:
"I just went to a briefing in Washington, D.C., across the street from the Capitol, at the Longworth building at 8:30 a.m., two days ago, and it changed my life," she said. "For six hours, I saw pictures and names and dates and facts and Islamic law books and Korans, Surahs for six hours and they proved to me… that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our highest positions in government and this is serious."
Jackson has received plenty of mainstream attention for her remarks, but unfortunately, most of it focuses on her sounding a little nuts.
Jackson has previously drawn attention for past provocative remarks. They included describing a "Glee" gay kiss as "sickening" and accusing the show of "shoving the gay thing down our throats." She has also said that Obama "bears traits that resemble the anti-Christ."
Watch her Muslim Brotherhood remarks in context: