Vice Media Continues to Shed Talent Post-Bankruptcy Sale 

The editor-in-chief, deputy editor and two Vice News reporters are leaving the company

Vice Media Group

Vice media continues to bleed talent since the post-bankruptcy acquisition led by Fortress Investment Group. 

Matthew Champion, Vice News editor-in-chief, and Helen Nianias, Vice News deputy editor, will both depart from the company under new leadership, according to Semafor’s Max Tani

Vice Media will also lose two reporters Carter Sherman and Sophia Smith-Galer, who have both told the company in recent days that they will be leaving. 

The media company officially sold to the Fortress-led consortium for $350 million on Jul 31. The new owners include Soros Fund Management and Monroe Capital, who will lead Vice into the new chapter of ownership. 

The acquisition of Vice came after a tumultuous financial year, where the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in May. This was a dramatic fall from grace for the once-media giant, which was valued at %$5.7 billion at one point. 

Just last week, immediately following the announcement of Vice Media’s acquisition led by Fortress, three top executives left the company. Among those leaving are Katie Drummond, Vice’s senior VP of global news and entertainment, Jason Koebler, editor-in-chief of Motherboard, and Matthew Schnipper, Vice’s senior director for global news operations. 
