‘Venom’ Poised to Set October Opening Weekend Record With $63 Million

WB’s “A Star Is Born” also projected for strong $25-30 million debut

Comic-Con 2018 winners and losers venom

Box office trackers have high expectations for Sony’s Spidey spinoff “Venom,” with the first round of tracking projecting an opening weekend of $57-63 million. That would be a new opening record for October, topping the $55.8 million made by Alfonso Cuaron’s 2013 Oscar winner “Gravity.”

While such a result would be low compared to recent Marvel and DC superhero films, Sony is also keeping costs relatively low as well with a net production budget of $100 million, well below the $150 million-plus budgets for MCU films. That budget was also financed in part by Chinese conglomerate Tencent, lowering Sony’s costs.
