Vanessa Williams fans took to social media to celebrate after the actress, model, singer and former Miss America received an on-air apology from pageant organizers on Sunday.
Williams won the crown in 1983, but was forced to resign 10 months into her reign after Penthouse published several nude photos of her.
“I want to apologize for anything that was said or done that made you feel any less than the Miss America you are, and the Miss America you always will be,” Miss America CEO Sam Haskell said.
Read some reactions below:
Apology? maaaaaan if you did something to me in 1984 and haven’t call/paged/text/email me by now, you can keep that. #VanessaWilliams — Brian Keith (@BKeithMusic) September 14, 2015
My how times have changed since 1983? Vanessa Williams‘ nudity loss her the crown yet in 2000 it launches careers & realty shows for others????
— Addison (@aspirehi) September 14, 2015
@VWOfficial Girlfriend, you were always the most beautiful Miss America EVER! #VanessaWilliams
– Phyllis Glassman (@prg100740) September 14, 2015
@berryscsu Kudos to #MissAmerica 1984 #VanessaWilliams for always living a life of #graceanddignity #iloveyou – Roberta Berry (@berryscsu) September 14, 2015
Vanessa Williams was an example of gracious forgiveness during last night’s Miss USA Pageant!
– sharon glover (@sglo53) September 14, 2015
#VanessaWilliams represents the very best of Black Entertainment. She’s brilliant. – Phoenix Golden (@jamesbgolden) September 14, 2015
It’s about time #VanessaWilliams got an apology. She is a kind, beautiful & talented woman & deseved her crown. #givebackhercrown
– Ruth Arotsky (@rla323) September 14, 2015
30 years! It took 30 years for the organization to apologize to Vanessa Williams. Man, F that apology – Jarissa Johnson (@Digableplanets_) September 14, 2015
Nice apology but they should have officially returned her title & crown with a special coronation. IMHO. #MissAmerica #VanessaWilliams
– The Red Housewife (@TheRedHouseWife) September 14, 2015
I wanna be Vanessa Williams when I grow up. #MissAmerica – Voice of Reason (@Mtteran) September 14, 2015
I don’t like much about #MissAmerica but I’m so glad to see them accepting that #nudity is nothing to be shamed for. #VanessaWilliams
– American_Beauty (@Beauty_Kristin) September 14, 2015