Now here’s a damn good idea for a reboot.
David Lynch‘s twisted classic “Twin Peaks” is being revived as a limited series by Showtime, with a premiere date slated for 2016.
See video: Imagine David Lynch Had Directed ‘Return of the Jedi’ With Fan-Made Trailer
Series creators Lynch and Mark Frost will write and produce all nine episodes of the revival with Lynch on board to direct all episodes.
Lynch made the announcement via Twitter on Monday morning, linking to a brief video announcement of the reboot.
“Dear Twitter Friends… it is happening again,” Lynch wrote.
See video: New ‘Twin Peaks’ Bonus Footage: Agent Cooper Mugs It Up, David Bowie Freaks Out
Lynch teased the return of the series last week via social media, writing, “Dear Twitter Friends: That gum you like is going to come back in style! #damngoodcoffee.”