Tucker Carlson was back at it on Fox News Monday after taking a holiday break and, of course, he opened the show acting like it’s no big deal that Donald Trump was caught on tape trying to convince the Georgia secretary of state to commit election fraud on his behalf.
“They’re telling us today that Donald Trump must be impeached over a phone call that was tape-recorded. The call they’re mad about this time took place over the weekend. The president spoke by telephone to the secretary of state of Georgia for about an hour,” Tucker said during his opening segment Monday night.
“They talked about vote counting. The president, as you may have heard, believes the election was stolen from him. Georgia’s secretary of state, whose job it is to oversee elections, disagrees. You can listen to the call yourself. It’s online, and you can make up your own mind about who’s right on that question. By the way, if you have time, you ought to do that. It’s interesting.”
It’s not clear how anyone who hasn’t yet bought into Trump’s completely unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud would be convinced by this recording. But Tucker — as he always does — didn’t explore that thought any further.
Instead, Tucker claimed the media, of which he is a member, is using Trump’s attempt at stealing the election from Joe Biden to distract everyone.
“But no matter what you conclude about vote counting in Georgia, we’re willing to bet that you won’t decide Donald Trump’s latest phone call is the single most important thing happening in the world right now. Probably not even close,” Tucker said, speaking to his Trump-supporting viewers, who already baselessly believe the election was fraudulent.
“And yet CNN is claiming that it is. Why are they doing that? That’s a good question and worth pondering. Maybe they’re trying to divert your attention again, but divert it from what? Well, here’s one guess: Tomorrow, as we told you, there are two US Senate elections in Georgia, and the outcome of those races will determine who controls the entire US government,” Tucker continued.
“If Democrats win both races, and at this point that is entirely possible — according to the polls, it’s likely — if that happens, the Democratic Party will run everything. Everything in Washington from top to bottom. And they will be able to do whatever they want. It’s hard to remember the last time that more power was at stake in a single day.
“And if you thought about that long enough, you might decide to get involved. The Democratic Party and its marionette to the news media would rather you didn’t get involved. And so they’re encouraging you to think about Trump’s phone call instead.”
Last year, a judge declared in court that Tucker Carlson is not a credible source of news and that “any reasonable viewer” would not treat anything he says on his Fox News show as “actual facts.”
You can watch the quoted portion of Monday’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in the video embedded up at the top of this article.