Everyone Made the Same ‘Simpsons’ Joke About Trump’s Russia Walkback: ‘Oh, You Were Saying Boo-urns’

Not that we’re complaining

donald trump helsinki vladimir putin boo-urns simpsons hans moleman

Donald Trump offered a pretty flimsy explanation Tuesday for the Russia-favoring remarks he made in Helsinki — and it had lots of people clowning him with the same classic gag from “The Simpsons.”

On Monday, Trump and Vladimir Putin took part in a joint press conference after their personal meeting, during which Trump was asked if he would rebuke Putin for Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Trump shocked the nation when he sided with Putin and against the conclusion by U.S. intelligence organizations that there was a coordinated social media and hacking campaign in 2016, and that Russia was involved.

“My people came to me… they said they think it’s Russia,” Trump said. “I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be….”

But on Tuesday, after nearly a day of enormous criticism from across the political spectrum, including even segments of Fox News, Trump attempted “clarify” his remarks by claiming he actually meant the exact opposite. “I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t’ and the sentence should have been: ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia.’” Trump told reporters.

As you might expect, a great many people simply didn’t buy Trump’s line of defense, and they swarmed social media to mock it. Many goofed on his claim at misspeaking by citing a concept that children everywhere know extremely very well: “Opposite Day.”



Others noted the apparent absurdity of the statement in its own context.


Still others imagined how such a thing would look said by pop culture characters.


Of course, as with all things, there was also a reference to “The Simpsons” to be made — specifically this one, which a lot of people thought of:



