Seth Meyers Wonders How Fox News Could Go Any Easier on Trump: ‘Bravo Is Tougher on Andy Cohen!’ | Video

“The only way Fox News could go easier on Trump is if they started adding ‘gorgeous’ to the chyrons,” the NBC host jokes


Donald Trump reportedly met with Rupert Murdoch this week to request Fox News go easier on the presidential hopeful, and at this point, Seth Meyers is pretty sure they really can’t.

During his monologue on Thursday night, the NBC host marveled at Trump even making the request, given how friendly Fox News has been to him from the start. Most recently, host Brian Kilmeade defended Trump’s comment about wanting generals like Hitler had by saying Trump just meant he wanted “generals that actually do what we ask them to do.”

So, Meyers had to do a double-take at Trump wanting things even easier.

“Easier?! Could they be any easier? Bravo is tougher on Andy Cohen!” Meyers joked. “The only way Fox News could go easier on Trump is if they started adding ‘gorgeous’ to the chyrons.”

At that, a mock chyron popped up as an example, reading “Gorgeous Trump Visits Georgia.”

Shortly thereafter, Meyers used most of his “A Closer Look” segment to focus on Trump’s recent praise of Hitler, and how his allies have been trying to defend it at every turn.

“This is not a complicated story. Trump is a fascist who likes other fascists and wants to emulate fascism,” Meyers said bluntly. “If you’re shrugging that off as baked in, then you’re just saying you’re OK with fascism. If you’re still supporting Trump, just admit you think fascism is cool.”

You can watch Seth Meyers’ monologue and “A Closer Look” segment in the video above.


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