With Trump Lawyer John Dowd’s Resignation, This POTUS Tweet From 11 Days Ago Hasn’t Aged Well

“Hey, a lot can happen over 11 days,” tweets one observer

trump twitter tweet

President Trump’s lead lawyer for the special counsel investigation, John Dowd, resigned on Thursday, according to the New York Times. But people on Twitter are pointing out that on March 11 — just 11 days ago — Trump sent a tweet citing Dowd by name, saying he was “VERY happy” with his legal team.

“Well @realDonald Trump tweet on John Dowd didn’t age too well,” one user wrote.

“So I guess NYT was correct again. There is literally nothing he doesn’t lie about,” another added.

“Hey, a lot can happen over 11 days,” another user said.

Trump disputed a previous New York Times article reporting that he was looking to add another lawyer to his legal team. The Times reported on March 10 that Trump was in discussions with Emmett T. Flood, a veteran lawyer who had represented Bill Clinton during the impeachment process. On March 19, Trump added Joseph E. diGenova, a former U.S. attorney, to his legal team.

The Times also said that there were “signs in recent months that Mr. Trump might be looking to shake up his legal team.” Dowd took over Trump’s legal team last summer and considered leaving several times because he felt Trump was ignoring his advice.

“We stand by our reporting, which was confirmed by multiple people close to the president,” the Times said in a statement issued by its communications department on March 11.

Trump recently attacked special counsel Robert Mueller by name on Twitter, despite Dowd advising him to cooperate with the Russia investigation.

See some of the Twitter reactions to the news below.







