‘Morning Joe’ on Impeachment: ‘Are We Really Pretending a Case Has to Be Made?’ (Video)

Senators who will vote on conviction “all know the basics” of what happened at the Capitol riot, MSNBC host says

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough believes that when it comes to former president Donald Trump’s guilt in inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, there isn’t room for much debate.

On Friday’s “Morning Joe,” Scarborough questioned how senators, who now face the task of voting on whether or not to convict the reality star turned president, could come to any other conclusion, asking, “Are we really pretending a case has to be made?”

The case has been made all week as House impeachment managers have presented compilations of footage from the riot that left five dead, including a Capitol police officer. Two other responding officers died by suicide in the following days, bringing the total of associated deaths to seven, while many others sustained injuries. The footage, some of which had been seen before and some of which was brand-new, showed officers under attack and how close, at times, the mob got to lawmakers like Sen. Mitt Romney and former vice president Mike Pence.

“Everybody that was watching yesterday, every one of these senators, they all know the basics. They know that that mob came to Washington, D.C., because of one person,” Scarborough said. “Because of Donald Trump, because he had called them to Washington, D.C.”

“They’ve been there the whole time,” added “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski.

Watch above, via MSNBC.
