Trump Repeatedly Ducks Hannity’s Question About Running for President in 2024 (Video)

“From a legal standpoint, I don’t want to really talk about it yet,” Trump says

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly ducked Sean Hannity’s questions about whether he was running for president again in 2024 during his first on-camera interview with Fox News after losing the election.

“Are you running again in 2024? What are the odds?” Hannity asked.

“First of all, it’s a long time. The odds, the odds. What are the odds?” Trump responded. “I am looking at it very seriously. Beyond seriously. From a legal standpoint, I don’t want to really talk about it yet.”

It’s not immediately clear what legal issue Trump was referring to.

Earlier in his interview, Trump — who was vaccinated — said he was asked to make a commercial encouraging his supporters to get the COVID-19 vaccine but said he wasn’t interested in doing so because the FDA paused the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

“I said they want me to do a commercial, some commercial, and they do this pause?” Trump said while suggesting, without evidence, that the FDA “love Pfizer” and that Pfizer “doesn’t like me.”

The former president also took issue with how the press covered the way he walked down a metal ramp at the West Point Military Academy last summer.

“I had an instance where, on a slippery, slippery ramp, a piece of steel — very steep and very long, no railings, no nothing, and it was pouring at West Point, and the last thing I want to do is go down,” Trump said.
