Watch Trump and Darth Vader Fire Chewbacca on ‘The Apprentice’ Because He Can’t Speak English (Video)

“I’m sorry but you made this easy, no one can understand a word you say,” the future president tells the dejected Wookie

In the spirit of International “Star Wars” Day and #MayTheFourthBeWithYou mania (May 4th, get it?), an old clip of Donald Trump resurfaced in which the future president takes a cue from Darth Vader to give Chewbacca the “Apprentice” boardroom boot.

The footage shows the then-realty TV show star in the boardroom having uniquely Trumpian moments with Stormtroopers, Darth Vader and Chewbacca. In fact — in a telling vision of what was to come — the future president even fired the Wookie, seemingly for being unable to speak English.

“I’m sorry but you made this easy; no one can understand a word you say,” Trump blares at Chewbacca (before firing him) “You’ve got a terrible temper and let’s face it, your grooming habits are seriously lacking.”

In another instance, Trump can be seen approvingly trying out Vader’s Jedi neck pinch move and sampling plans for a “Trump Death Star”

The clip from November 2005 was for a special “Star Wars”-themed episode of “The Apprentice,” designed to promote the DVD release of “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith,” as well as “Star Wars: Battlefront II.” The film was the last of the George Lucas’ “Star Wars” and was produced in conjunction with Lucasfilm, according to the Daily Beast.

Check out the clip at the top.
