Tribeca Film and Focus World are banking on the Buckleys, co-acquiring “Greetings from Tim Buckley,” an upcoming film chronicling singer Tim Buckley and his son Jeff.
“Gossip Girl” actor Penn Badgley stars as Jeff, the beloved rocker who released just one studio album before his death in 1997 at the age of 30. Ben Rosenfield plays Tim, a folk-rock guitarist during the 1960s and ‘70s who died of a drug overdose at age 28.
Tribeca, the distribution outlet of the Manhattan-based film festival, is handling the theatrical release while Focus World, a sub-division of Focus Features specializing in multi-platform releases, will share in the video-on-demand rollout.
“‘Greetings from Tim Buckley’ is a uniquely independent vision — a musical, a love story, and an examination of a father-son relationship that never was,” Geoff Gilmore, Chief Creative Officer of Tribeca Enterprises, said in a statement. “With an especially affecting performance by Penn Badgley, and directed by the very talented Dan Algrant, ‘Buckley’ is an example of storytelling of the highest caliber and quality. We are especially excited to be partnering with Focus to release this film across all platforms.”
The film, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, follows Jeff as he prepares for his public singing debut, a tribute show to his father. A woman working at the show, played by Imogen Poots, then catches his eye. Meanwhile, the film also portrays Tim as he drives across the country with his then-girlfriend.
It is one of three Buckley films in the works, a group that also includes “Mystery White Boy” and “A Pure Drop.” “Greetings” will be the first to open in theaters.
Dan Algrant directed from a script he co-wrote with Emma Sheanshang and David Brendel. John N. Hart, Patrick Milling Smith, Frederick Zollo and Amy Nauiokas produced while Brian Carmody, Jill Footlick and Ben Limberg executive produced.