On Thursday’s episode of “The Daily Show,” Trevor Noah brought viewers up to speed on one of the funniest news items from the previous day — how Twitter accounts of several major celebrities were hacked and in response, Twitter temporarily blocked all verified users. And with some help from actress Anna Kendrick he dropped a funny gag purporting to show what he was forced to resort to while he was unable to tweet.
Of course you probably know this, but just in case on Wednesday accounts belong to high profile people like Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and more were hacked and began tweeting out bitcoin scams. Once Twitter became aware of the problem, it locked all verified users — AKA “blue checks” — so that they couldn’t tweet while the company investigated the problem. The lockdown only lasted about a couple of hours, during which non-verified Twitter users produced a flood of memes making fun of the blue checks. Good times, good times.
Anyway, among the blocked users was Noah, who joked that “it was hard not being to post for a few hours yesterday. And I had to resort to some drastic measures.”
Then he rolled a clip of himself standing on his balcony. “@Anna Kendrick,” Noah shouts in the clip. “I have a great voice and I would love to be in the next ‘Trolls’ movie!” The joke being that he yelled at the “Trolls” and “Love Life” star as though he were tagging her on Twitter.
Then the scene switches to Kendrick, who yells back, “@Trevor Noah: I told you to leave me alone. Blocked and reported.” That of course being a spoken-aloud version of how users deal with trolls.
“@Anna Kendrick,” Noah then replies. “Thanks so much for responding. Big fan.”
Watch the clip above — the gag with Kendrick kicks in just after the two-minute mark.