“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah slammed Fox News’ response to the deadly massacre in Las VegasSunday night.
“Yesterday everyone of Fox News was flailing like Mariah Carey on New Year’s Eve,” Noah said. “Everyone except one man: Spongebob Squarehead,” he added with a picture of Sean Hannity on the screen. Fox News host Hannity went on a tirade criticizing those who “politicize” mass shootings Tuesday, and argued for having guns readily available when such tragedies occur.
“According to Sean Hannity, what really stops a bad guy with a gun is Sean Hannity with a gun,” Noah said before adding that the shooter was on the 32nd floor of a hotel and having a gun in the crowd would not have made a difference.
“I like how Fox News says ‘please don’t politicize this today.’ As if there’s any time they’d be willing to talk about gun control,” Noah said. “Cause I mean, I’m happy to wait a couple of days. But you know they’d be like, ‘oh sorry, we can’t do Thursday, yeah, we’re going to be talking about Hillary’s emails.’”
Noah said that after the shooting at a night club in Orlando, Florida, last year, many of the same Fox News commentators did politicize that tragedy, and called for the “entire Muslim community to work together” to stop future attacks by Muslims.
“So, clearly, Fox’s whole ‘don’t politicize it’ is BS,” Noah said. “Or, maybe just a way to buy time while they’re figuring out how to politicize it.”
Watch Noah’s full comments above.