Trevor Noah Has Advice for How Trump Could Look Good Even Without Old-Style Light Bulbs (Video)

POTUS says he’s ditching energy efficiency standard because he “wanted to pay less money to look better”

Donald Trump says that a major reason he’s ditching energy efficiency standards for light bulbs is because he prefers the way he looks under incandescent light, and on Tuesday Trevor Noah came up with some other, less energy-wasting ways Trump could improve his looks.

Earlier this month, Trump announced he is rolling back regulations that would phase out several types of incandescent bulbs in favor of bulbs that use less energy, saving consumers money and producing less pollution. Since then, Trump has repeatedly explained that he just likes how he looks under the less-efficient lights — including at a political rally Monday where he said: “I wanted to look better, OK? I wanted to pay less money to look better.”

After rolling a clip on Tuesday night’s “The Daily Show,” Noah suggested “much easier ways to look better than rewriting U.S. energy policy.”

“Maybe he could try, I don’t know, a normal haircut,” Noah joked. “Or a suit that fits? Or just standing next to Stephen Miller? Maybe he’s born with it, maybe he’s next to Steve.”

There’s plenty more, including a bit where Noah explains to Trump why modern cars are designed like they are, and an amusing comparison of an Elizabeth Warren rally to Trump’s rambling speechifying. Watch the whole clip above.
