Trevor Noah Baffled by Florida Study That Found Prescription Drugs in Fish: ‘Most American Story of All Time’ (Video)

“How much medication are American doctors prescribing people?” Noah asked

Trevor Noah finally thinks he may have heard “the most American story of all time” — at least until next week.

During Thursday’s episode of “The Daily Show,” Noah was baffled by a news story out of Florida that a study from Florida International University found that fish off the coast were loaded with prescription medication.

According to the report, bonefish that were studied contained anywhere from seven to 17 different pharmaceuticals, including blood pressure medication, antibiotics and antidepressants.

“You know, every time I think I’ve seen the most American story of all time, this kind of stuff comes up,” the late night host said. “Cause which other country can say, ‘There’s so much medication leaving our bodies we’re basically providing Obamacare to the fish?’”

The issue, he contended, might have something to do with how much prescription medication people in the U.S. have access to.

“Think about it. How much medication are American doctors prescribing people?” Noah asked. “I think it might be too much if I can s— out a full dose for somebody else.”

Despite the obvious concerns, Noah added that there may be a silver lining to all of this: “Drug prices have gotten so high in America, if you can’t afford your heart medication now you can just go to Red Lobster.”

You can watch the full video above.
