‘Total Recall’ Review: Over-Hyper Remake Will Make You Totally Recall Ahnuld’s Version

The remake, directed by Len Wiseman, is is nothing more than regurgitated futuristic action claptrap

The future ain’t what it used to be.

That holds doubly true for this generic, cut-and-paste remake of 1990's “Total Recall," a sci-fi action thriller based on “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale,” a short story by Phillip K. Dick.

The first “Total Recall,” an R-rated, rowdy romp starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and directed with his usual over-the-top enthusiasm by Paul Verhoeven (“Showgirls”), was partly set on Mars.

The new movie, directed by Len Wiseman (“Underworld”), is decidedly earth-tethered in every way. The closest we get to the Red Planet here is a brief joking spoken reference to it.

Also read: 'Total Recall' Premiere: Jessica Biel, and Kate Beckinsale on Killing Her Husband (Video)

The latest “Total Recall” is set in a dystopian future in which the only inhabitable parts of Earth are the United Federation of Britain (which includes much of Europe) and its subjugated outpost, the Colony (Australia).
