In its debut week, “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” had nine videos go viral, with each clip amassing more than one million views.
The total views on all videos uploaded in the first week is more than 37 million. Overall, the total views for Fallon’s channel is 47.7 million.
The channel gained 176,433 subscribers from Feb. 17 to Feb 22.
Also read: How Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’ Debut Week Ratings Stack Up to Kimmel, O’Brien and Leno
Leading the pack from Fallon’s Monday premiere was “The Evolution of Hip-Hop Dancing,” with Will Smith. Next up was Brian Williams inadvertently spitting “Rapper’s Delight” through a series of newscasts.
Rounding out the Top 3 was Fallon and Justin Timberlake‘s “History of Rap: Part 5” from Friday’s week-ending episode.
Here are the top 10 videos:
1. “Evolution of Hip-Hop Dancing” (w/ Jimmy Fallon and Will Smith)
2. Brian Williams Raps “Rapper’s Delight”
3. “History of Rap 5” (Fallon and Justin Timberlake)
4. “Ew!” with Fallon, Will Ferrell and First Lady Michelle Obama
5. Jimmy’s $100 “Tonight Show” Bet
6. “#Hashtag2” with Fallon and Jonah Hill
7. The Ragtime Gals: “Ignition (Remix)”
8. Jimmy Interviews Harry Styles (Kristen Wiig)
9. Fallon Kicks Off “The Tonight Show”
10. Will Ferrell Figure Skates to the “Downton Abbey” Theme