Tommy Lee Sued by Former Assistant for (Allegedly) Being a Cheap, Petty Slave Driver

Former assistant to Motley Crue rocker says he was stiffed on overtime and smeared throughout the music industry

Never mind Dr. Feelgood — Tommy Lee might want to put in a call to his attorney right about now.

The former assistant for the Motley Crue skins-pounder filed a lawsuit against Lee and Lee's company, Mayhem Touring, in Los Angeles Superior Court Wednesday, claiming that he was worked virtually around the clock, and that Lee made improper deductions from the assistant's paycheck.

Read the full lawsuit here.

Michael Anthony Sullivan, who claims to have worked as Lee's "procurer, Man Friday, chauffeur, guide, bookkeeper, attendant, door-keeper, agent, butler, valet, attendant, cook, shopper, nanny, bodyguard, maid, nurse and nursemaid" from January 2005 to March 2011, says that he was on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week for Lee.

The suit says there were "long periods of time during which Sullivan was required [to work] seven days a week, without a single day off." It also claims that Sullivan's schedule was particularly grueling when he was on the road with Lee, with 80- to 100-hour work weeks being the norm.

Despite the alleged marathon hours, the suit claims, Sullivan never received overtime compensation for his extra work.

Moreover, according to Sullivan, Lee was in the habit of making improper deductions from Sullivan's pay. When the rocker had Sullivan move into his home to better serve him and his family, the suit says, Lee began deducting $1,000 a month for rent — even during the last six months of his employment with Lee, when he was no longer living at the house.

Sullivan further alleges that Lee took money out of his check for a car-insurance deductible stemming from an accident that occurred when Sullivan was bringing Lee's car to the mechanic to get the brakes fixed. He says Lee deducted for cell-phone charges relating to calls that Sullivan made on his employer's behalf.

After Sullivan and Lee parted ways, according to the suit, Lee trash-talked his former hired hand throughout the industry, engaging in "a campaign of disparagement" and "defamatory comments" that "have damaged Sullivan's reputation and have interfered with Sullivan's existing and potential employment opportunities."

Sullivan claims to have lost two tour-manager positions, with the bands Godsmack and Bush, because of Lee's alleged smear campaign.

Sullivan is seeking "no less than $50,000" — the amount he says that he's out because of the lost work — plus punitive damages "in an amount sufficient to punish Lee and make an example of him."

A representative for Lee did not immediately respond to TheWrap's request for comment.

Pamela Chelin contributed to this report.
