Watch Tomi Lahren’s Full, Unedited ‘Daily Show’ Interview Here (Video)

Comedy Central aired just 14 minutes of the frosty Wednesday debate

Trevor Noah and Tomi Lahren spent more time together last night than many married couples — perhaps that explains all the bickering.

The “Daily Show” host and his conservative guest sat and (mostly) civilly discussed issues like the Black Lives Matter movement and Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest for more than 26 minutes last night. Comedy Central could only air 14 of those minutes on the half-hour program.

However, the cable channel did the right thing and made the full-length version available online. We’d ordinarily say, “Enjoy that video above,” but in reality, it will probably make you sad. Very, very sad — and that’s regardless of which side of the aisle you associate with.

So, just watch the full, unedited video of Lahren’s appearance above.
