Tom Hanks Creates ‘Toy Story’-‘Finding Dory’ Crossover on ‘Ellen’ (Video)

The “Sully” actor and his fellow Pixar cast member give a whole new twist to two iconic animated characters

Pixar movies are all loosely connected via easter eggs and cameos across the various movies, but Tom Hanks may have just brought about the biggest “Toy Story”-“Finding Dory” crossover yet.

While promoting his new movie “Sully” on “Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show” Friday, Hanks, who voices Woody in the “Toy Story” movies, took advantage of being on a stage with Dory herself, Ellen DeGeneres.

“We could have a Pixar-Off right here,” he said, before making the entire studio audience cover their eyes — all the better to imagine not Hanks and DeGeneres conversing, but rather Woody and Dory.

Ever the entertainers, the two actors conceived of a plot where Woody the friendly toy cowboy happens upon a scatter-brained fish at Pixar Land, enlisting her to help find his lost hat. The audience responded with squeals of laughter.

“Do you not find that that’s incredibly hard work, the recording session?” Hanks then asked DeGeneres, who answered that it’s harder work than people think it is.

“I’m always hyperventilating,” she said, going into her Dory voice again. “Dory’s always left behind, or out of [breath], so I’m always out of breath and they’re making me [huff and puff] so that’s exhausting.”

Watch the video above to also see just how many different ways Hanks-as-Woody can say “Close that door!”
