Tom Cruise Forces James Corden to Go Skydiving (Video)

“Mission: (Almost) Impossible” with CBS scaredy-cat in tow

Tom Cruise’s addiction to adrenaline is clearly a disease — James Corden doesn’t quite share the passion. On Thursday’s “Late Late Show,” the CBS personality shared a 10-minute-plus package of the “Mission: Impossible – Fallout” star forcing him to go skydiving — and the whole thing might be more fun to watch than Corden had actually doing it.

At first, the understandably-frightened late-night talk show host tries to run away from Cruise and the plane — but guess which of the actors is faster?

After some training, Corden is corralled like cattle into the plane, where he shares a light moment with Cruise humming the “Mission: Impossible” theme. Fifteen thousand feet later, it’s go time, and all the joking stops.

After some very deep breaths, the nervous Corden is basically pushed out of the plane by his tandem-jump partner. Cruise, who pulls the Brit down with him, goes solo.

The fellas seem to have a good time — one more so than the other — and Cruise shows off a few neat tricks during free fall. Tom lands a bit more gracefully than James does, so stick around to watch that guy not stick the landing at all.

Watch the video above.

“Mission: Impossible – Fallout” opens in theaters today.
