Tom Arnold has quickly learned that Donald Trump supporters don’t pull their punches when it comes to defending the president-elect.
Since posting a challenge to gamers Thursday evening to hack into Trump’s unreleased tax returns and archived tapes of “Celebrity Apprentice,” the actor/comedian has been hit with some pretty tough blows coming from The Donald’s proponents. Not that Arnold is one to button his lip and sit down in the corner. Nope.
Arnold believes that tapes exist showing Trump using racial slurs and other offensive language — though no tapes have emerged.
Here are just a few of the not-so friendly comments tossed in his face… only for Arnold toss a few zingers right back.
Check it out:
@TomArnold @hrtablaze @col_nj Tom Arnold is another liberal irrelevant buffoon from Hollyweird
– Chris (@OnefaststasisS5) December 30, 2016
and yet I'm still better than your pathetic ass. #sad
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
No one supports hacking, Mr. Arnold. Sadly, I don’t believe Obama. I mean sanctions w/o evidence? After the election? What if Hillary won?
– Curtis (@TeachKevinTeach) December 30, 2016
Do you believe McCain? Saw the evidence. You & I haven't seen what they have but it's a problem. Swear I'd feel the same way if Hillary won.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
Liberals think if they tweet enough their socialist granny can still win.
– Southern Slav (@peacelovedixie) December 30, 2016
She's done. Concerned about Putin. Do you like boiled potatoes? He doesn't eat them but 95% of Russian people do everyday. I'll keep America
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
@TomArnold Honestly, you should show them or just stop talking about it. It’s just starting to look like you’re trying to make publicity.
– Robert Owens (@friedoatmeal) December 30, 2016
Who goes 2 Twitter 4 publicity? Only morons. Me & DT. BTW it's also a good place to get expert unofficial help. Even got DM's from Russians
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
@truthseekingiam @TomArnold Nope. He’s not a conman. Grow up. Clue? His kids. His employees.
– SantaMonica50 (@thednaofmath) December 30, 2016
I've known him 25 years. Worked, done business with him. Tell me about your personal experience with Donald Trump.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
.@TomArnold I’m waiting for all the trumpkins to start calling u “Benedict Arnold” ????????????
– GIVE BACK (@KristaKaroFL) December 30, 2016
First! That's a good one & I'm actually related.Was a good soldier til he transferred 2 Michigan.Good luck in Final 4. U got 1st but Bama..
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
@dreamwithfaith @TomArnold Do you not understand how impeachments actually work or what is required for them to actually happen?
– Tina S (@TinaS885) December 30, 2016
lying to congress. Treason? Making deals with foreign foes at America's expense and risk our men and women in uniform?
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
Don't hate Trump. Always been nice 2me personally but he changed. Started racist stuff & outright lying. Love my country Putin thing sketchy
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
@TomArnold I hope you are right, what about releasing the recording of trumps attorneys threatening you? It’d show he has something to hid
– IAm#TheResistance (@MMS1282) December 30, 2016
Wife heard VM & was upset. I tweeted."its on" called lawyer. VM is actually Yahoo rep"with Trump camp discussing def suit" They aren't dumb.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
@TomArnold I think Trump has dementia. Hence no press conferences and always has his daughter around. Short term memory loss too
– The Sports Whisperer (@montetjwitter11) December 30, 2016
Executive Producer of Apprentice told me it was difficult 2 work with Trump cause only remembers last 5 seconds of what anyone says 2 him.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
Strangers on Twitter are mocking you because you’re a joke.
Your place is on the Hollywood D-List
You are irrelevant, fade into obscurity.– Andrew Keith (@AndrewKH85) December 30, 2016
People said same thing about Trump and now look. He's selling America to Putin
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
@TomArnold He just made it by pinning tweet praising his buddy Putin. ???” We’ve definitely entered the Twilight Zone. #frightening #terrifying
– Jamie (@JustJamie03) December 30, 2016
Trump won. Why aren't his voters concerned 4 USA Russia interfered with our election? If U were patriots U would be. Could BU next. Cowards.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) December 30, 2016
Arnold also had his share of supporters.
2016 is just weird. Never thought I would respect @TomArnold ????Get ’em Tom!
– Deborah Lee (@leepen_lee) December 30, 2016
One of that last bummer realizations of 2016 is that I would totally vote @TomArnold for president.
— Ron Heck (@ronheck) December 30, 2016