The Internet loves to take the wind out of Donald Trump’s sails with goofy memes. The latest uses a simple change to add a touch of ridiculousness to photos of the president. That meme is “Tiny Trump.”
The premise is pretty simple. Users take a photo of Trump and leave most of it unaltered. But Trump himself is shrunk down to about the size of a six-year-old. The result is a Trump who doesn’t know quite how ridiculous he looks, while everyone else in the photo seems to be humoring him.
The idea already has a dedicated subreddit page, where Reddit users are teaming up to Photoshop Trump photos as efficiently as possible. There are plenty of great examples on Reddit, but things are picking up speed on Twitter. Users are sharing tons of images of Tiny Trumps, ranging from him meeting foreign leaders to hanging out with meerkats.
Trump, who is six-feet, two-inches tall, is famously self-conscious about people making fun of the size of his hands. When Marco Rubio suggested Trump had small hands during one of the Republican primary debates, Trump turned it into a chance to talk about the size of his penis. That actually happened. It’s important we don’t forget that the president did that on television.
Twitter users are taking the opportunity to cut Trump down to size, as it were. And since Trump is such an avid consumer of Twitter and other popular culture, it seems as though he’s bound to catch all these Tiny Trump jokes at some point or another. In fact, just in case, plenty of Twitter users are making sure to tag the president so he doesn’t miss any of the fun. One wonders if Trump will take to his own Twitter account at some point to respond to the joke, like he did with this one.
Here are some of the best versions of Tiny Trump to grace Twitter so far:
Reddit users are photoshopping Trump to be about 2 feet tall, and it's hilarious #Trump #TinyTrump
— Esdebe 🌹 (@esdebe) February 17, 2017
M: Look at you signing that like a big boy!
D: Can I stay up like the big boys?
M: what's the magic word?
D: Pretty please?#tinyTrump— Magwood (@davonmagwood) February 17, 2017
CAPTION THIS extremely rare #tinytrump sighting in his natural habitat:
— BadHombreLands NPS (@BadHombreNPS) February 17, 2017
Reddit users are photoshopping Trump to be tiny. The top one in r/pics rn is this, of tiny Trump next to Shinzo Abe
— Hunter Schwarz (@hunterschwarz) February 17, 2017
Steve…Steve…did you order my special little seat for the table, yet? I WANT MY LITTLE SEAT AT THE TABLE! #TinyTrump
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) February 17, 2017
More people would have shown up FOR THIS. #TinyTrump
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) February 17, 2017
#EasyD: you see this, @realDonaldTrump? #tinyTrump
— Ms. American Pie (@DarthBannon1) February 17, 2017