Tim Robbins Mocked for Blaming Bernie Sanders Losses on ‘Voter Fraud’

“Maybe all that time Tim Robbins spent in the hole in Shawshank prison made him down right crazy,” says one Twitter user

Tim Robbins Blames Bernie Sanders Losses on 'Voter Fraud,' Gets Mocked By Twitter
Getty Images

Actor and big-time Bernie Sanders supporter Tim Robbins ignited a bit of a Twitter frenzy on Monday when he alleged that “voter fraud” is to blame for some of the Vermont senator’s losses during his run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Robbins retweeted a meme by comedian Lee Camp essentially claiming that there’s a discrepancy between exit poll results, which favor Sanders, and election results in favor of Hillary Clinton.

In case you’re not a numbers person, the message includes a strong accusation in bold white letters: “The election is being stolen” and that the “machines are being rigged.”


It sounds very serious indeed. Except for one little problem, which the Washington Post was quick to point out in an article titled, “You need to chill out, Tim Robbins.”

After calling the Robbins rant a “very bad tweet,” The Post gives the actor a quick lesson in “Exit Polls 101.” The tone of the Washington Post article at times resembles that of an exasperated teacher forced to repeat an obvious point already covered in a previous lesson.

“Last week, we explained how exit polls work,” says the Post. “In short, the pollster (Edison Media Research) conducts interviews at polling locations, collecting a ton of demographic information about voters. Since they aren’t talking to every voter, they use statistical analysis of turnout, past and present, to estimate overall patterns — including the likely winner.”

In other words, the Post says, exit polls are not always accurate, because they’re, well, polls. And so it’s not really a conspiracy theory or fraud. Several people on Twitter seemed to agree with the Post.







