‘This Is Us’ Fans in the Midwest Freak Out When Season 3 Premiere Was Interrupted for Weather Alert

A Tornado threat in Detroit had some viewers waiting until Wednesday to watch

This is Us - Season 3

Jack and Rebecca weren’t the only ones who had to deal with weather problems last night.

For residents in the Midwest, the live feed of the Season 3 premiere of “This Is Us” was interrupted several times for a tornado warning, and let’s just say that some fans would rather have been taken unawares by an oncoming storm than miss even a second of the beloved NBC drama.

“I understand the need to broadcast about the severe weather in metro Detroit… But… IT’S THE SEASON PREMIERE OF THIS IS US!!! ,” one fan tweeted Tuesday night.

The interruption was enough to bring some fans to tears: “i’m so pissed i’ve been waiting for this is us since the last episode of last season and of course the weather report is ruining it. I actually want to cry,” another fan tweeted.

“This is Us is being circumvented by a weather warning so I’m crying for a different reason,” added another.

For any Midwesterners who need to catch up on the Season 3 premiere, we’ve got you covered. Check out everything we know about Randall’s mysterious “her” here and get the break down of Jack and Rebecca’s first date here.

See below for more tweets.




