Elvis, Gladys & Their Double Doomdate, Aug. 16

On Aug. 16, 1977, Elvis Presley died — 19 years to the day after he’d buried his beloved mother

In 1934, Vernon Presley, age 18, recalled blacking out at the instant of his son’s conception; then, regaining consciousness, he had seen the night sky thronged with brilliant blue stars. Elvis Aron’s twin brother, Jesse Garon, was stillborn.

The future King’s God-fearing mother, Gladys — who herself almost died in the delivery — believed he had inherited Jesse’s soul, and was “the One.”  

Years later, Gladys would suffer a miscarriage, making her all the more protective of her only surviving child. 

“My mama never let me out of her sight,” said Elvis. 

Vernon told biographer, Peter Guralnick ("Last Train to Memphis"): “He never spent a night away from home until he was 17.
