Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) begins “Game of Thrones” as the cocky ward to Ned Stark. When Ned dies and Robb Stark leaves Winterfell, Theon gets a bit too cocky, and it’s downhill from there. But we saw him get redeemed in a few ways at the end of season 5 and in season 6… but did things go south in season 7? Here’s the story of Theon Greyjoy so far.
At the beginning of the series, Theon lives at Winterfell with the Starks. That’s because his father, Balon Greyjoy, was defeated by Ned and Robert Baratheon in the rebellion. It’s custom in Westeros for children to ward to ensure that the losing side will stay in check.
Theon is a ladies’ man, and visits the local brothel regularly. He’s proud of his womanizing–but it gets him into trouble later.
Ned is a kind and honorable man, and treats Theon much as his true (and bastard) sons. He’s best friends with the eldest Stark Robb, pictured here at his right hand. Theon tells Robb that Ned raised him to be honorable, too. When Robb decides to go to war after Ned is killed, Theon encourages it and optimistically thinks his father will help Robb.
Theon goes back home for the first time in 10 years to try to convince his father to help Robb. But he finds that he hasn’t really been missed in the Iron Islands — his sister is the new heir to his father’s place and he is encouraged to abandon the Starks. It’s clear it’s difficult for him to betray the Starks–they’re more family to him than his father ever was–but in the end, he tries to win back his father’s favor.
So Theon’s loyalty to Robb falters in season 2. He takes over Winterfell and threatens Bran and Rickon. He doesn’t end up hurting the young Stark boys, but he does end up murdering two innocent farm boys and saying it’s the Starks to show he should be feared. His sister doesn’t think this is a good idea because Greyjoys belong on or near the sea, but Theon doesn’t listen.
When Robb hears of Theon’s treachery, he allows Roose Bolton to send his bastard son Ramsay to retake Winterfell. This is where Theon’s story gets real grimy.
Ramsay tortures Theon and forces him to be slave “Reek.” In the books, Theon is replacing another “Reek.” Theon is forced to take part in sadistic games with Ramsay and his lover Myranda, like hunting innocent girls with hounds. Oh, and Ramsay cuts off Theon’s “favorite toy”–his penis–and sends it to his sister Yara.
Yara comes to the Dreadfort to rescue her younger brother, but it’s a wash. Theon is so terrified of what Ramsay would do to him if he tried and failed to escape that he refuses to go with his sister.
Fast forward through more torture and creepy Ramsay-“Reek” baths. Sansa Stark–who was basically a younger sister to Theon at Winterfell–gets betrothed to Ramsay, against her will, of course. She is shocked to find Theon there, and in such a bad state. She’s mad at him for killing her younger brothers, but Theon reveals to her that Bran and Rickon are still alive.
Sansa and Theon end up creating a somewhat strained alliance. When Ramsay rapes Sansa, he forces Theon to watch. In the books, it’s even worse. The girl was Jeyne Poole, Sansa’s childhood best friend, and Theon was forced to participate.
Theon manages to overcome his fear of Ramsay and escapes with Sansa at the end of season 5. At the beginning of season 6, they’re being chased down by Ramsay’s hounds and are rescued by Brienne of Tarth.
Theon finally returns back home to find that his father has died and the Iron Islands are in turmoil over finding a new lord. He supports Yara in her claim, but his uncle Euron wins the Kingsmoot. The siblings instead go to Meereen to find Daenerys Targaryen and pledge their alliance to the Khaleesi.
In season 7, has Theon regressed? The second episode, “Stormborn,” sees Theon in new dire straits after the fleet commanded by his sister, Yara, is utterly decimated by their evil uncle, Euron. At the end of the episode, Euron defeats Yara in single combat and has his blade to her throat. He challenges Theon to a fight — with the implied threat that if Theon attacks, his sister will die — and even calls Theon a “cockless coward.”
Theon struggles with this, and begins to assume a very reek-like pose, before leaping off the side of the boat. His act of cowardice (or is it?) prevents his sister from dying, but he’s stuck in the ocean, alive thanks only to a stray piece of wood.